Parkpoint Sonoma

Veronica Hernandez



Growing up, I discovered the therapeutic benefits of jogging, finding joy in the activity without necessarily tracking distances or times. As a teenager, I pursued jogging simply for the pleasure it brought me, without the aid of modern technology like smartwatches to monitor my performance. However, my perspective on running shifted when I encountered a mentor who had completed marathons, inspiring me to add this challenge to my bucket list.

Over the years, I consistently engaged in jogging, often challenging myself to longer distances during the summers. It wasn’t until 2018, when I enrolled in the Santa Rosa Junior College Fitness, Nutrition, and Health program, that I began to recognize the critical role nutrition plays in athletic performance. Throughout my training for my first half marathon, I faced the additional challenge of an undiagnosed autoimmune disease, which prompted me to pivot my focus towards building muscle and strength training after completing the race.

As I delved deeper into the world of fitness, I found myself drawn to weightlifting and CrossFit, gradually transitioning away from running. Despite this shift, I continued to push my physical limits, participating in multiple half marathons and challenging obstacle courses like Tough Mudder in 2023. However, my ambition to conquer a marathon remained on my bucket list.

In January of this year, I decided to take on the challenge of training for and completing my first marathon. Over the past month, I have intensified my training regimen, incorporating interval, incline, and long-distance runs to prepare myself adequately. Additionally, I have adjusted my diet to optimize my performance, focusing on increasing protein intake, implementing carb cycling, and incorporating post-workout nutrition and vitamin supplements to support my training and recovery efforts.

As I approach the final month of preparation, I am committed to giving my all to achieve my goal of completing a marathon. This journey has not only tested my physical endurance but also deepened my understanding of the symbiotic relationship between nutrition, training, and performance in athletic pursuits. Through dedication and perseverance, I am confident that I will cross the finish line and fulfill a long-standing aspiration.

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